And the Lord God said “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make a help meet (help mate) for him.” (Genesis 2:18 NLV)

This passage has not been a very popular one for women over the centuries. Some have interpreted it to mean that a woman’s role is subservient to a man’s; that she is more like a maid servant. But if we study the true meaning of the words help meet then we learn that the Hebrew meaning is the same word that the Bible uses for the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In other words women provide a very special role as it relates to men. Women provide a kind of spiritual and emotional support for men just as God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit provide. Wow, now that is a sobering responsibility!

Maybe Rocky Balboa said it best in one of the Rocky movies. When asked about his girl friend Adrian, he said,  “I got gaps and Adrian, she fills my gaps.” I knew I liked Rocky for a reason. Yes gals, you carry within you God’s imprint. He has given you the opportunity to participate in his creation. He wants to partner with you to accomplish his will here on earth.

As you search for your purpose my prayer for you is that you seek what is already inside of you. What has God given you a passion for? Take some time to meditate and perhaps write down about a time when you have been excited or passionate about something you have accomplished, whether it was for someone else or for yourself.